Edited by Greg Gordon, John Paterson, Emre Üșenmez
Edition: 3
In recent years, a great deal has changed in the oil and gas industry, from legal and regulatory change to falling oil prices. The contemporary oil and gas industry is now intensely focussed on cost-saving and the UK has radical redrawn its revenue-raising expectations.
List of Figures and TablesList of ContributorsList of Abbreviations and AcronymsForeword to the First EditionPreface to the First EditionPreface to the Second EditionPreface to the Third EditionTable of CasesTable of StatutesTable of Statutory InstrumentsTable of European LegislationTable of International Instruments
Introduction and Context
1. Oil and Gas Law on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf: Current Practice and Emerging Trends in Contracting and Commercial LawGreg Gordon and James Cowie
Commentary on Specific Contracts and Contractual Issues
2. Joint Operating AgreementsScott Crichton Styles
3. UnitisationNicola MacLeod
4. Dissecting the Dayrate Drilling ContractGreg May and Eve Brazier
5. Contractual Standardisation and the LOGIC Standard ContractsLorna Dawson
6. Risk Allocation in Oil and Gas Service ContractsGreg Gordon
7. Commercial Agreements and Issues in the Transportation of Oil and GasLaura Petrie
8. Petroleum Sales AgreementsYanal Abul Failat
Issues of Commercial Law in the Oil and Gas Context
9. Acquisitions and Disposals of Upstream Oil and Gas InterestsNorman Wisely
10. Finance, Security and Insolvency in the Upstream Oil and Gas SectorJenny Allan and Sian Aitken
11. Competition Law and the Upstream Oil and Gas BusinessJudith Aldersey-Williams
12. Law and Technology in the OilfieldMartin Ewan
13. Aspects of Land Law Relative to the Transportation of Oil and Gas in ScotlandRoderick Paisley
14. Selected Employment Law Issues in the Oil and Gas IndustrySarah Arnell
15. Dispute Management and ResolutionMargaret Ross and Valerie Allan
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