General Introduction
Analytic Philosophy in the Twentieth Century
How to recognize Analytic Philosophy
Constantin V. Boundas
1. Kant and the Analytic Tradition
Robert Hanna
2. Metaphysical and Moral Idealism
Leslie Armour
3. Anglo-American Neo-Idealism
Nicholas Rescher
4. Ordinary Language Philosophy
Kelly Dean Jolley
5. Logical Positivism and the Vienna Circle
Bernard Hodgson
6. Naturalism
Peter Loptson
7. Pragmatism
Nicholas Rescher
8. The Promise of Process Philosophy
Nicholas Rescher
9. Metaphysics
Douglas McDermid
10. Epistemology
John Greco
11. Philosophy of Language
Tyler Burge
12. Analytic Philosophy of Mind
Tyler Burge
13. Philosophy of Mathematics
Jeremy Avigad
14. Philosophy of Logic
Mathieu Marion
15. Analytic Philosophy of Science
David Castle and Edward Jones Imhotep
16. Analytic Ethics
Jan Narveson
17. Analytic Political Philosophy
Michael Neumann
18. Analytic Philosophy of Religion
Charles Taliaferro and Eric Christopherson
19. Analytic Feminist Philosophy
Josephine Donovan
20. Analytic Aesthetics
Elisabeth Schellekens
21. Continental Themes in Analytic Philosophy
Taylor Carman
Continental Philosophy in the Twentieth Century
How to recognize Continental European Philosophy
Constantin V. Boundas
22. The Hegelian Legacy
Bruce Baugh
23. Phenomenology
Leonard Lawlor
24. Hermeneutics
Jean Grondin
25. Existentialism
William McBride
26. Marxism
Andrew Wernick
27. Frankfurt School and Philosophy
Douglas Kellner
28. Psychoanalysis
Alenka Zupansic
29. Structuralism
François Dosse
30. Discourse about Difference
Calvin O. Schrag
31. Different/ciations
Constantin V. Boundas
32. Postmodernism
Charles Scott
33. Overcoming Metaphysics
Leonard Lawlor
34. Continental Philosophy of Mind
David Morris
35. Continental Philosophy of Science
Babette E. Babich
36. Continental Ethics
Francois Raffoul
37. Continental Political Philosophy
David Ingram and John Protevi
38. Continental Feminist Philosophy
Emilia Angelova
39. Continental Philosophy of Religion
Merold Westphal
40. Continental Aesthetics
Nicholas Davey
41. Analytic Themes in Continental Philosophy
Todd May
Non-Western Philosophies in the Twentieth Century
Indian Philosophy
Rohit Dalvi
Chinese Philosophy
Roger T. Ames
Japanese Philosophy
Robert E. Carter
African Philosophy
Bruce B. Janz
Constantin V. Boundas is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Trent University, Canada. He is an editor and translator of the work of Gilles Deleuze, including an editor of Gilles Deleuze's The Logic of Sense (Columbia University Press, 1991) and translator of Gilles Deleuze's Empiricism and Subjectivity (Columbia University Press, 1991).